Atlee Smith, Teacher, Melissa Bradley, Teacher
Gina Shaw, Principal
Classroom/Setting: Elementary age students widely diverse in language, development, and life experiences, i.e., homelessness, poverty, trauma, summarized as Adverse Childhood Experiences. Additionally, Davis Elementary has multiple self-contained, autism-specific classrooms, and a dual language program in various classrooms, as well as multi-lingual (ELL) and monolingual students with various abilities, reading levels, and learning needs.
Instill the joy of reading and foster an environment for students to engage literature.
Licensing Novel Effect, an innovative auditory immersion software, revolutionizes read-aloud lessons by providing an immersive experience for learners of all levels, grades, emotional states, or ability.
Books are available in multiple languages, so no student is left out and unable to benefit from the software.
The program's literature is available for ages birth-13+, in genres of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and more. This helps to engage the interests of multiple learners, across subject matters, so educators can use this application/software beyond the ELA, (English Language Arts) and read-aloud settings.
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