Anthony Cerqua, Teacher
Jim Richter, Principal
Classroom/Setting: High school students enrolled in Project Lead the Way (PLTW), Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM).
Project Lead the Way (PLTW), and Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) courses offer students the opportunity to learn about how technology, computers, coding, and machinery, all combine to create our modern manufacturing processes. A key manufacturing tool is a high quality robot arm which produces accurate and repeatable movement. The project allows students to access modern and relevant robot arm technology.
The robot arm (Dobot Magician), is utilized in like programs in several school districts. It is the most user-friendly, provides the best accuracy and reliability, and multiple features for student learning.
Vacuum Pump Kit - Picking up and releasing objects.
Gripper - Traditional pinch grip for picking up objects.
Writing and Drawing Kit - Robot arm to write and draw in a precise, repeatable manner.
3D Printing Kit - To extrude plastic like a 3D printer.
Laser Engraving Kit - Simple, repeatable, laser engraving.
Students design and execute repeatable actions necessary for modern manufacturing processes.
The curriculum includes utilizing the current Vex robotic kits, to communicate with the Dobot arm.
The students gain practical application of integrating varied technology for programing and coding, which is common in the industrial manufacturing field.
PTLW classes are project based learning where students' demonstrate integrated skills, creating repeatable and accurate, manufacturing processes.
The Dobot arm includes multiple options for coding, either block or script, allowing differentiation among students based on their experience with coding.
Coding is a fundamental skill which first-year, university engineering students need to develop quickly. Therefore, the experience at the high school level is invaluable in providing our students with a head start.
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